Office Mail


Office Mail Step-by-step guide - Part 1: Adding a user

Part 1: Adding a user
Part 2: Configuring your email client
Part 3: Setting external collection and delivery
Part 4: Changing local ports
Part 5: Internal-only email system
Part 6: Setting up spam filters
Part 7: Dealing with spam

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Step 1: Start Office Mail.

Office Mail has just been installed and has no settings yet.

Step 2: Let's make a user!

Click on Tools, settings to bring up the settings screen. So far so good.

Step 3: Add a user.

Our first user is called Bob. Click on Add, and then enter the username bob and the password bob. Pretty original. Note that usernames and passwords should be lowercase - makes life easier when configuring your email client.

Then click OK.

Step 4: Bob is here!

We can now see our user bob. There is important information at the bottom of this screen which will be useful when configuring our email client (like Outlook), but we'll come back to this later.

Step 5: Give Bob an email address.

Let's now give Bob an email address. This allows Office Mail to deliver Bob's mail to Bob. As it happens, Bob already has an email address, Please don't email Bob though, as he doesn't actually exist! Click on the Local Distribution tab.

Step 6: Add the alias.

Add the email address and state that email to that address should be sent to user bob.

Step 7: We now have a link!

Office Mail will now recognise any email to will be sent to user bob. This applies to email collected from an external source (ie external mail) or sent from another local user (internal).

Step 8: Bob now has a message!

Click on OK to confirm the changes we have made, and suddenly we can see that the user bob has a message! This is a welcome message generated automatically by Office Mail, so all we have to do now is go and collect it using Bob's email client - Outlook Express.