Office Mail Addins


Office Mail Addins - Wave Player

The Wave player Addin adds a bit of sound to emails! The sound files should be located in the c:\program files\burrotech\office mail\wav folder. By default (ie no params) this Addin will play the file <username>.wav when email comes in for that user - very useful as an alert when new email comes in for each user - or you could play a particular sound when a specific (priority) email comes in. Alternatively a short wave file can be played when spam arrives as if Office Mail is "zapping" the spam!

The example below comes from our Burrotech system. When one of our software titles sells we get an email with the subject "New order for..." so we get the Addin rule to check for the subject line and play a wave file (order.wav - a fanfare) it it recognizes a new order!