Office Mail Addins


Office Mail Addins - Email forward - text only - for Mobile phones

This Addin is designed to forward emails to a mobile phone/PDA email account so that you can receive (and reply to) your standard emails on your mobile phone. You can even get a SMS text message when you get a new email (check with your mobile phone email account provider). The emails are stripped of any attachments or HTML so that they are just a text version of the email body.

The system is not difficult to set up, here's an example using an Orange mobile phone (Motorola V600) - including receiving a SMS text message each time a "new sale" email arrives:
1. Set up an email account with your mobile phone provider. This will provide you with an email address (like etc) which you can receive on your mobile phone. Obviously you need an email-enabled GPRS phone, but most of them are these days.
2. Purchase the Email Forward - text only Addin and install it into the addins folder.
3. Set up an Addin rule similar to the one below. This one will forward all emails to user paul to the Orange email address as text only (and limited to 2kb). Because you pay for GPRS emails by the megabyte each email that is downloaded will cost no more than 0.5 pence (assuming £2.50 per megabyte)

4. Then when any email comes in for user paul (not spam) will be forwarded to the Orange email address as text only. They can then be read on the mobile phone and replied to. There's no need to explain how useful this is when away from the office, but the system also works abroad as most mobile phone networks now allow roaming GPRS systems at a very good price.
5. In this example we also want to receive a SMS text alert when we get a certain type of email. When setting up the email account with Orange there is a free service called text alert which will send a SMS message when all (or certain) emails are received. Rather than being bombarded with a text message for every email we only want one when an email comes through with the subject containing "new order" (ie we sell one of our software titles). This is simple to set up and a screenshot can be seen below:

6. Then, whenever you are out of the office simply turn the addin rule ON and you can carry on dealing with your email on your mobile phone, with a text message alerting to a new sale!

This addin costs £10/$17 and will be available shortly. If you would like to know when it is available then please email us.

The Forwarding addin requires one configuration setting - Mail From; You need to provide a valid email address so that your SMTP server will accept the forwarded email when it goes 'back out again'. Simply enter the email address of any of your users and the forwarded email will be sent okay. Note that this will not change the email itself, it will still come from the original sender.